TMW categs col 5

True Oneness as the Aim of Study True Oneness does not disintegrate, does not die and corrupt and vanish. Every part of true Oneness involves in itself every other part. Man has not yet fully realised that his ultimate survival as a living being rests on his capacity to resist disintegration.

Disintegration – what and how

Disintegration implies lack of a single unifying purpose.

So far, man has scattered his energies over multitudes of ultimately profitless activities.

He has lived striving to accumulate material things that at death he cannot take with him.

He has not striven for those things that can resist the forces of disintegration, the truths that finally fit together in one consistent wholesome pattern.

He has neglected the truths that add up to the ultimate Oneness which confers immortality on his soul.

Today millions of people have taught him that he is but a material body, doomed finally to disintegrate into atomic dust, to lie in the ground or be turned up and blown by wild insensate winds ceaselessly about the world.

Thus man has come to believe that it is not worthwhile to try to understand himself.

He sees no profit in the study of depth psychology, no advantage in believing in the spirit.

He busies himself in the materials of the outer world, where he can see, or thinks he can see, what is going on. Material things he can touch and hold in his grasp, and, if he works hard and becomes able to pay for them, may legally do so and declare them his own. And they are outside him, where he can keep an eye on them, so that they are not stolen away from him.

Inner Disintegration

But in the inner world of his soul, his eyes are not so reliable.

The inner world of the unintegrated mind is a world of ever-shifting ideas, feelings, emotions and impulses of obscure origin.

The outer world of hardware commodities can be seen for what it is, and can be dealt with in hardware terms.

The inner world is a world of software, of fluid shifting shapes less easy to handle.
Thus the materialist apparently has chosen the easier lot. He lives in a world of external handleable hardware. But he also finally dies in it, unaware that his neglected inner self is not totally annihilated by his physical “death”, and so must then be faced.

Physical Death is not the End

We know that energy may change its form, but we know also that it cannot be totally annihilated, cannot become absolutely nothing at all.

We know that all things in the universe are but forms of energy.

Therefore we know, whether we like to know it or not, that we are ourselves forms of energy, and so not finally reducible to nothingness, and so finally must face ourselves.

During our life we change our form, from baby to adult, without ceasing to be what we are, namely, forms of energy.

At death also we change our form, yet remain still the energy we always were. The energy we were is forever inescapably itself.