Spiritual Astrology Readings

What is Astrology?
What is the Zodiac?
What is the purpose of Astrology?
What can we learn from a Reading?

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The Zodiac

The Zodiac is embodied in a system of symbols which enable us to understand the behaviour of forces within a closed field of forces, and in the case of Astrology, ourselves and the world we live in.

As the earth travels around the sun in its yearly journey it passes through a belt of various astral(star) forces. The name for this belt of forces is ‘The Zodiac’. These forces act upon all earth-born beings and determine the chief accents of their characters in a subtle and mostly unconscious way. As the earth passes around the solar system, the sun emphasises an astral force to exert its influence in greater or lesser degrees. In response individuals and humanity interact mostly unconsciously with these forces and with each other in diverse ways. The purpose of Astrology is to identify, make conscious, and to map these forces, forms and inter-functions and how they impact or influence an individual across a diverse range of life domains – love, family, money, career, etc.

If we examine the Zodiac we will see that it is divided into twelve equal parts, four sets of three parts each. These four triads may in their psychological aspects be understood to symbolize the four functional divisions of the human organism. For example, the triangle of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo symbolizes the body in its physical aspect and is referred to as the Earth Triad. The other triads being the psychic or feeling, the aspects of the mind & intellect, & the energy triad.

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What is Astrology?

Astrology is ‘astro forces in their logical arrangement’. The astrological forces which act upon an individual or entity at the time of birth or initiation of the organism or organisation are those which are significantly character forming. An Astrological Reading is the interpretation of the arrangement of those forces. Of course we are each more than merely the configuration of those forces acting at birth because those star forces are constantly changing, changing in cycles, over time – the moon goes around the earth, the earth & other planets around the sun, the sun around another centre far off in the direction of the centre of the universe.

In addition to the sun & moon, each of the planets in our solar system, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc, are also psychologically significant to an individual Astrological Reading. For instance Mars rules our energy, vitality & commitment, Mercury the mind & the body’s circulation, Venus governs love & affection, and so on.

Certain individuals are what is called ‘skeptical’ of astrological significances and the Astrological Reading, but this skepticism is only based on lack of awareness of a wider field. To deny the influence of these vast star forces would not be dissimilar to how a single cell in the bloodstream of the human body is unaware of the wholeness of the body in which it lives & moves, yet the cell is quite functional and enjoying itself and its own level.

We don’t need to know everything about Astrology and the Zodiac to live a happy life, but it’s an ancient art and it (at its genesis) was not merely put together by quacks equivalent to modern day newspaper predictionists. There’s always more to an interpretative art form than mere popular opinion & rumour.

The Spiritual Astrology Reading

A Spiritual Astrological Reading is not mere fortune telling of what may be the fixed & final fate of an individual. The proper aim of a Reading is to highlight those spiritual forces dominant in influence at the time of the Reading and to show how an individual might approach the balancing of those forces to best enable enjoyment of a happy life in the present moment & within the period under examination. We are to know that we have only this present moment to balance, and as this moment moves forward in time, so our current balance and aspirations move with us.

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Science & Art

There is Science to the Spiritual Astrological Reading, and also Art. The Science is how to set up the chart/s in an accurate way, which today is very well done by a computer. The Art is the Art of interpretation, and this interpretative process is what differentiates the proficiency of one so-called astrologer from another one.


Some of the insights which may be gained from a Spiritual Astrology Reading for an individual may include the following – native or hidden talents and personality; creative initiative and self-expression; an individual’s higher aim and life purpose; a person’s particular value aspirations and money; personal health and sickness; individual career; family & home; love, relationships and commitments; friends and enemies; change and uncertainties; the many aspects of a person’s mind – its clarity, organisation & rational ability. So much can be gleaned in the spiritual astrology reading.


Some of the forecasting aspects of Spiritual Astrology Readings may include Astro–locality – the individual’s appropriate location on Earth best suited to particular life domain pursuits; the best time to undertake activities; the best sequence of events and how to proceed with them; the best form of what to do at a particular time; the correct attitude of mind & feeling to adopt with respect to things, events, relationships and circumstances, so on.

Individual Requirements

Spiritual Astrology requires your birth details:- date, time & place of birth. If you don’t know the time of birth, you can still have a reading but the process is slightly different.




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