
Classes | Courses | Workshops | Retreats

Some individuals prefer to learn in group situations, for familiarity reasons, association, or for the economic benefit of reduced cost. We offer options of Classes, Courses, Workshops and sometimes Retreats.





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Beginners Meditation Class, 6pm (M-F) or 10am (Sat)
This class is suitable to all levels of experience, especially Beginners. The Entry door opens at 5.50pm(M-F) & 9.50am(Sat), and closes at 6pm & 10am respectively. Latecomers to the class will NOT be admitted. Please arrive and enter before 6pm (18.00) or 10am (10:00).

Open Meditation Class, Wednesday 7.30pm
This Meditation Class is OPEN to all. However it is not suited to Beginners who have never practised Meditation previously. The techniques & disciplines are advanced, diverse and require adaptability & some experience. If you are a Beginner you are welcome to attend but do not expect nor request ‘beginner tution’.
The Entry door opens at 7.50pm, and closes at 8pm. Latecomers to the class will NOT be admitted. Please arrive and enter before 8pm (20.00).


Saturday Meditation Workshop – 2 hrs
Each Workshop introduces new and often unique practices enabling the participant special insights into disciplines, and applications, which have been and often remain highly important for accelerated Meditation practice. Be prepared to be tested and surprised with the new material presented and get to try it out for yourself.


The Beginners Meditation Course runs consecutively for 6 weeks, each class in the Course being 90 minutes in length. If you join the Course after the start date, the same fee rate applies.
This Course is suitable to all levels of experience, especially Beginners. The Entry door opens at 7.20pm (19.20), and each week the Course starts at 7.30pm sharp. Try to arrive prior to start time.

The Wednesday Meditation & Study Course runs consecutively for 4 weeks, each class in the Course being 60 minutes in length. If you join the Course after the start date, the same fee rate applies.
This Course is suitable to all levels of experience who have interest in the Topic.
The Entry door opens at 7.20pm (19.20), and each week the Course starts at 7.30pm sharp. Try to arrive prior to start time.





The Magic Wheel is a Spiritual Consultancy,
a place where you can seek Holistic Personal assistance for yourself, and for your relationships.